TELEGRAPH HOUSEBUILT 1861 "We came into a straggling village that we could see by the starlight. But we stopped at the door of a very unhotel-like appearing hotel. It had in front a flower garden. It was blazing with welcome lights. It opened hospitable doors and we were received by a family who expected us..." (Extract from "Baddeck and that Sort of Thing", published 1896, Author Charles Dudley Warner).HISTORY It was in 1857 the Dunlop family first came to Baddeck. The head of the family, David A. Dunlop, a native of Scotland was employed to lay the first Atlantic telegraph cable from Newfoundland to Cape North. He then laid the over land cable to Port Hastings. During this time, Mrs. Dunlop recognized the need for a boarding house in Baddeck. They built the hotel and as the telegraph office was located here, it was appropriately named “The Telegraph House”. The hotel first opened its doors in 1861 and has been in continuous operation serving tired travelers ever since. HISTORICAL EVENTS The Telegraph House, built in 1861, is owned and operated by the fifth generation of the Dunlop Family. As it once contained the office of the first Trans-Oceanic Cable Company, some of the first telegraph messages in North America were sent from the office in the "Telegraph House".Dr. Alexander Graham Bell first visited the the Telegraph House in 1885 after which he became a regular quest.A reception was held here for his royal highness Prince Michael, brother of the Duke of Kent on Feb 23, 1984 on the occasion of the 75th anniversary flight of the Silver Dart.Their imperial highness, Prince and Princesses Takamado also dined at the Telegraphy House on May 25, 1992.
479 Chebucto St Baddeck, NS, Canada
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